Welcome to
The Irvington Children's Center
School-Age Program K-5th

Welcome to the Irvington Children's Center.
The Irvington Children's Center is a NYS registered school-age program. The Center is open to children ages 5-11 (K-5TH GRADES) who reside in the Irvington School District. The Center operates during a regular school year AFTER SCHOOL hours only
2:30-6pm .Transportation provide by the Irvington school district.

Our registration for 2024-2025 is now closed. We have an extensive waitlist. If you would like to fill out the online form, please do and we will will place you on our waitlist. PLEASE DO NOT SEND REGISTRATION FEE, thanks!
ICC Program
The program is designed to meet the special needs of children who participate in a regular school day. The ICC is recreational with an emphasis on social and personal growth. Children learn through play. Activities such as: arts and crafts, music, drama, cooking, science, sports, and movement, are offered. Children have the opportunity to choose active or quiet play on both an individual or group basis. A special, supervised homework room is available Monday through Thursday. In addition to structured/planned activities, children may play board games, use costruction materials, organize indoor/outdoor games, or invent/create their own projects. Children share in planning.

Early and late snacks are provided to all children.
Seasonal outdoor activity
Multiple rooms of exploration daily(blocks, computer/science, games, arts, pretend)
Additional wing for older children 10-12.